ENGAGE uses interactive and innovative processes for project, communications and strategic planning; community engagement and dialogues; organizational development initiatives; and workshops and conferences.
The design of an effective process flows from its purpose. Clients are encouraged to get in touch early so we can work together–from the start–to develop an approach that will achieve your goals.
Why work with ENGAGE?
Participant-centred: In our meetings, important conversations are happening, everyone is involved and people are taking ownership of the results.
Designed with purpose in mind: We work with you to define your goal for bringing people together and then carefully tailor the design of the event to achieve your purpose.
Targeted follow-through: We integrate our facilitation and communications skills to provide engaging follow-up reports, tools and actions to contribute to the next stages of your work.
Examples of facilitation work
Stewardship Centre for BC
Facilitated strategic planning session for the board of this BC wide organization.
Training Policy Committee
Facilitated strategic planning for a committee of trustees responsible for a multi-million dollar training trust fund for Yukon First Nations.
United Way of Yukon
Designed and implemented consultation process on organization’s funding processes and future priorities.
Kluane Lake Athletic Association
Facilitated community meeting to help identify community recreation priorities.
Early Years…A focus on children and families
Designed a two-day event for people working with children 0-6 years old and facilitated summit involving 100+ participants.
Department of Justice, Access to Justice
Facilitated a one-day meeting with Aboriginal Courtworkers, Crown and Yukon Public Legal Education Association.
YAPC Mental Health Committee
Facilitated a Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition committee meeting to help them define a mandate and focus for their ongoing work.
Health & Social Services programs at Whitehorse Corrections Centre
Facilitated meeting to help two departments explore ideas for programs and services at the new Whitehorse Corrections Centre.
Canadian Water Innovation Lab
Participated as a facilitator at a national “un-conference” for young leaders working on water issues.
Walking Together Symposium on FASD
Worked with a planning committee to design a two-day interactive agenda. Facilitated plenary sessions including a World Cafe for over 200 people.
Yukon Enviroment and Social Assessment Act Five-year Review
Co-facilitated multi-day intergovernmental meetings involving Yukon First Nations, the Government of Yukon and the Government of Canada.